
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Homalomena caput-gorgonis
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Homalomena succincta
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra belindae
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra belindae
Wong, Bminotaur S., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra minotaur
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra pubes
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra sordidula
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra tetana
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.0Original publication of Homalomena prolixa
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.0Original publication of Homalomena scutata
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra aurantiitheca
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra bogneri
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra chimaera
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra chrysokoupa
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra diabolica
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra chrysokoupa
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra forcipula
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra goliath
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra kerangas
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra kishii
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra oncophora
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra ultramafica
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra vespula
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Schismatoglottis iliata
Wong, S. Y., Boyce P. C.2014Original publication of Schismatoglottis persistens
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith