
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
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Zhu, G. H., Croat T. Bernard2004Revision of Dracontium (Araceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.
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Croat, T. B., Chavez J. S. Lingan2005Rediscovery of Rare Species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Peru
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Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Yeng2013Piptospatha teijsmannii (Araceae: Schismatoglottideae), a new species from Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
Tae, K. - H., Kim J. - H.2005Pinellia koreana (Araceae), a New Species from Korea
RAGUPATHY, T. I. M. O. T. H. Y. M. O. T. L. E. Y., LONG C. H. U. N. - L. I. N.2013Pinellia hunanensis (Araceae), a new species supported by morphometric analysis and DNA barcoding
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Yeng, W. Sin, Jean, T. Pei, Kiaw, N. Kiaw, Othman, A. S., Boon, L. Hong, Ahmad, F. B., Boyce P. C.2013Phylogeny of Asian Homalomena (Araceae) based on the ITS Region Combined with Morphological and Chemical Data
Wong, S. Y., Tan, P. J., Ng, K. K., Othman, A. S., Lee, H. B., Fasihuddin, B. A., Boyce P. C.2013Phylogeny of Asian Homalomena (Araceae) based on the ITS Region Combined with Morphological and Chemical Data
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Croat, T. Bernard, Mora, M., Kirkman R. W.2007Philodendron scherberichii (Araceae), a new endemic species from a high mountain forest in southwestern Colombia
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Goncalves, E. G., de Carvalho J. Barros2008Philodendron lupinum - A New species of Araceae from Northwestern Brazil
Mora, M., Croat T. Bernard2007Philodendron longirrhizum (Araceae), a new montane species from Colombia and Venezuela
Croat, T. B., Cardoso, A. Luiz de Re, Moonen J.2013Philodendron joaosilvae, a New Species of Philodendron, subgenus Philodendron, section Philodendron (Araceae) from Brazil
Gonçalves, E. G.2004Philodendron cardosoi, a new species of Araceae from Brazil Willdenowia
Goncalves, E. G., Arruda A. J.2013Philodendron carajasense sp. nov. (Araceae), a rheophyte from Carajás Mountain Range, northern Brasil
Croat, T. Bernard, Kinslow P.2007Personal Communication 4


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