
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
Ntépé-Nyame, C. ""198831. Aracées. Flore du Cameroun
Bogner, J., Hoffman, G. L., Aulenback K. R.2005A fossilized aroid infructescence, Albertarum pueri gen.nov. et sp.nov., of Late Cretaceous (Late Campanian) age from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation of southern Alberta, Canada
Bogner, J., Hoffman, G. L., Aulenback K. R.2005A fossilized aroid infructescence, Albertarum pueri gen.nov. et sp.nov., of Late Cretaceous (Late Campanian) age from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation of southern Alberta, Canada
Mayo, S. Joseph, Andrade I. M.2014A morphometric and taxonomic study of Monstera (Araceae) in Bahia, Brazil
Bogner, J.2003A new Amorphophallus species (Araceae) from Madagascar
Croat, T. B.1978A New Anthurium From Panama
Hu, G. - W., Li, H., LIU, Y., TAN, Y., Long C. - L.2012A new Arisaema species from Guangxi and first report of A. austroyunnanense from Hainan, China
Lobin, W., Neumann, M., Bogner, J., Boyce P. Charles2007A new Arum species (Areae, Araceae) from NE Turkey and Georgia
Hay, A.2002A New Bornean Species of Schismatoglottis (Araceae)
Goncalves, E. G., Santos, A. Henrique d, Miller P. Richard Mo2012A New Combination for a Brazilian Aroid
Murata, J., Mayo S. Joseph1991A New Combination in Typhonium (Araceae)
Bogner, J.2011A new dwarf Spathiphyllum species (Araceae) from Ecuador
Croat, T. B., Chaparra J.2005A New Endemic Species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Brazil
Croat, T. Bernard2005A New Endemic Species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Panama Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden
Croat, T. B., Mont, J. Jose Casti, Vannini J.2007A New Endemic Species of Anthurium sect. Pachyneurium (Araceae) for Guatemala
Wong, S. Yeng, Bogner, J., Boyce P. C.2011A new endemic species of Schismatoglottis (Araceae) from the Philippines
Bogner, J., NGUYEN V. A. N. D. U.2008A new Homalomena species (Araceae) from Vietnam
Hetterscheid, W., Claudel C.2012A new miniature Amorphophallus (Araceae) from Eastern Thailand
Goncalves, E. G.2011A new name for a Brazilian species of Anthurium (Araceae)
Bunting, J. Bogner, Sydney G.1983A new Philodendron species Araceae from Ecuador. Willdenowia
Croat, T. Bernard, Lingán, J., Hayworth D. "2005A new section of Anthurium, Sect. Decurrentia - Revision of the Anthurium decurrens Poeppig complex in Amazonia Rodriguésia
Gonçalves, E. G.2003A new species and two new combinations for the tribe Spathicarpeae (Araceae)
Yuzammi, .Hay A.2002A New Species of Alocasia (Araceae) from Sulawesi
Yadav, S. R., Kahalkar, V. I., Bhuskute S. M.2009A New Species of Amorphophallus Bl. ex Decne. (Araceae) from Bhandara District, Maharashtra State, India
Croat, T. B., Scherberich, D., Ferry G.2006A New Species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Loreto, Northern Peru
Goncalves, E. G.2011A New Species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Parana State, Southern Brazil
Sakuragui, C. M., Mayo S. J.1999A new species of Anthurium (Araceae) from south-eastern Brazil. Feddes Repertorium
Valadares, R. T., Sakuragui C. M.2014A New Species of Anthurium (Araceae) sect. Urospadix subsect. Obscureviridia from Espírito Santo, Eastern Brazil
Valadares, R. T., Kollmann, L. J. C., Sakuragui C. M.2019A New Species of Anthurium (Araceae) with Cordate Leaves from Southeastern Brazil
Coelho, M. A. Nadruz, Croat T. B.2005A New Species of Anthurium from Brazil
Valadares, R. T., Sakuragui C. M.2015A new species of Anthurium Schott (Araceae) in a seasonal semideciduous forest in Espírito Santo State, Brazil
Croat, T. B., Mayo, S., Boos J.2002A new species of Brazilian Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma (Araceae)
Dearden, A. ", Hay A. "2001A new species of Cyrtosperma (Araceae) from West Papua. Aroideana
Bogner, J., Croat T. B.2012A new species of Philodendron (Araceae)
Calazans, L. S. B.2020A new species of Philodendron (Araceae) from an enclave of Atlantic rainforest in Minas Gerais State, Brazil
Mayo, S. Joseph1981A new species of Philodendron from Trinidad. Aroideana
Temponi, L. Godinho, Poli, L. Peres, Croat T. Bernard2012A new species of Rhodospatha (Araceae), with a key to species from the Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil
Van Du, N., Croat T. B.2010A New Species of Typhonium (Araceae) from Vietnam
Hay, A., Taylor S. M.1996A new species of Typhonium Schott (Araceae-Areae) from the Northern Territory, with notes on the conservation status of two Areae endemic to the Tiwi Islands
Perry, P. L. ""1989A new species of Zantedeschia (Araceae) from the western Cape. S. Afr. J. Bot.
Croat, T. B., Whitehill, J., Yates E. D.2007A New Subsection of Anthurium Section Calomystrium (Araceae) and Five New Species from Colombia and Ecuador.
Tetali, P., Punekar, S. A., Lakshminarasimhan P.2004A new variety of Arisaema (Araceae) from Western Ghats of India
Haigh, A., Bogner, J., Boyce, P. C., Croat, T. Bernard, Grayum, M. H., Hay, A., Hetterscheid, W., Keating, R., Kostelac, C., Lay, L., Mayo, S. Joseph, Mora, M., Reynolds, L., Sellaro, M., Wong S. Y.2008A New Website for Araceae Taxonomy on
Bogner, J.1985A new Xanthosoma from Para, Brazil
Cusimano, N., Barrett, M. D., Hetterscheid, W. L. A., Renner S. Sabine2010A phylogeny of the Areae (Araceae) implies that Typhonium, Sauromatum, and the Australian species of Typhonium are distinct clades
Mayo, S. Joseph, Gilbert M. G. "1986A preliminary revision of Arisaema (Araceae) in Tropical Africa and Arabia. Kew Bull.
Andrade, I. M., Mayo, S. Joseph, Van den Berg, C., Fay, M. F., Chester, M., Lexer, C., Kirkup D.2007A Preliminary Study of Genetic Variation in Populations of Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana (Araceae) from North-East Brazil, Estimated with AFLP Molecular Markers
M. Soares, L., Mayo, S. J., Gribel R.2013A Preliminary Taxonomic Revision of Heteropsis (Araceae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith