New Species of Anthurium Sect. Semaeophyllium (Araceae) from Central and South America

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:Carlsen, M., Croat T. B.
Journal:Novon; a Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. St. Louis, MO
Start Page:401
Date Published:12/2004
Keywords:Anthurium, Araceae, Semaeophyllium, trilobed leaves

Seven new species of Anthurium with trilobed leaves belonging to section Semaeophyllium (Araceae) have been discovered and are here published for the first time. They include: Anthurium ancuashii from Peru, A. chimborazense from southern Ecuador, A . ternifolium and A. pinkleyi from northeastern Ecuador A. constrictum and A. moronense from southeastern Ecuador and Peru, and A. rotundatum ranging from southern Costa Rica and Panama to northern Colombia

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Anthurium Schott is an exclusively Neotropical genus and one of the most diverse within the family Araceae, with approximately 1000 species (Croat, 1994). It is recognized by being typically terrestrial or epiphytic, having leaf blades with reticulate tertiary venation and collective veins, and by its bisexual flowers with four tepals that are arranged in a uniform spadix subtended by an open, often persistent spathe. Leaf morphology is one of the most variable characteristics within Anthurium and that has led to the description of several sections( Croat & Sheffer 71983). One of the most easily recognizable of these groups is section Semaeophyllium, characterized by having trilobed leaves with pedate venation and lobes that are united at the base. It was first recognized by H. C. Schott in his Prodromis Systematis(Schott 71860), and formal revision of section Semaeophyllium is currently being carried out by the authors( Carlsen & Croat, in prep.). Section Semaeophyllium ranges from southwestern Nicaragua in to Costa Rica and Panama to Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador into northern Peru.
The species diversity increases considerably north to south, from Panama to Colombia, and especially into Ecuador.
All measurements included in the descriptions of new species presented here are based on dried herbarium specimens. Features that distinguish juvenile specimens are included between square brackets. Characteristics that occur in less than 5% of the specimens examined are placed between parentheses. Colors of fresh leaf blades, petiole, peduncle, spadix, and spathe, as well as habit and cross section of the petiole, were recorded from the specimen labels. Colors of dry parts are specified as such.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith