Anthurium subtrilobum Schott
LEAVES: Petiole ... Geniculum ... Leaf blade 16 - 17 inches long, 11 inches wide at the middle of the lobes, 5.5 inches wide above the lobes, posterior lobes elongate-semi-elliptic, 5.5 inches long, 4 inches wide, rounded apically, deeply separated for 3 inches by a very open sinus which is rounded at the base, median or anterior lobe 10 inches long, up to 5 inches wide, apex rounded and suddenly contracted and abrupty short-cuspidate. Veins of the lobes 5 on each side, slightly curved, near the margin curved abruptly upwards, interlobe veins thickish, more-or-less straight, very widely patent. Main veins arising from the midrib ca. 9, widely patent, not very curved.