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Philodendron herthae K.Krause
Stem scandent, strong, terete. LEAVES: petioles short; blade large, thickly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, apex acuminate ca. 4 cm long, narrowly acute, somewhat oblique.Narrow towards the base, base rounded obtuse 40-50 cm long, upper quarter up to 11 cm wide, midrib thick below, 7-8 mm wide, thinner higher up and gradually petering out, and lateral veins very numerous, all subequal spreading at ca. 50-60° from the midrib, arcuate ascending towards the margin, prominulous above, somewhat distinct through to distinctly prominent below. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle robust, terete, almost 10 cm long, 8-10 mm thick. Spathe pale green or brown when dry, obovate-oblong, apex shortly abrupt acuminate, 10-11 cm long, 5-6 cm wide expanded. Spadix white, sessile subequal to the spathe or slightly longer; female inflorescence cylindric, 3 cm long, 7-8 mm thick, male portion with apex claviform, narrow, subacute, base thicker than female part, attenuate above. Pistills prismatoid, usually tetragonous obtuse, stigma small orbicular, not raised coronate. Male flowers usually 3-4-androus, obtuse.