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Philodendron remifolium subsp. sabulosum (G.S.Bunting) G.S.Bunting
Herb up to 1.5 m high. Stem erect or sometimes shortly adhering to the base of a tree trunk. Up to 40 cm long, 2.7-3 cm thick, internodes short, covered throughout by persistent cataphyll remains. Cataphylls cream-coloured, sometimes wine-spotted or suffused with pink-wine-colour, persisting dry in situ, gradually breaking up (not at all fibrous). LEAVES: Petioles upright, rigid, sub-terete, nevertheless canaliculate adaxially, channel narrower than half the petiole, margins prominent, 25-45(-62) cm long, sheathed part 4.5-10 cm long; geniculum 1.4-1.7 cm long. Leaf blade equal or 1.5 times longer than the petiole, hard-coriaceous, rigid, outline elliptic, 35-56 cm long (8-) 12.5-25.5 cm wide, broadly cuneate at the base or truncate or slightly emarginated, obtuse at the apex, sometimes cuspidate (0.4 cm), moderately corrugate; adaxially deep green, glaucescent and semi-glossy; midrib paler, 1.1-1.6 cm wide, primary lateral veins sulcate, 7-9 on each side, arising at an angle of 50-65º (-70º); abaxially matte, midrib strongly convex, primary lateral veins not robust. INFLORESCENCES solitary. Peduncle (near fruiting) 7.5-17 cm. Spathe 11-17 cm long, tube 4.5-7 cm long, externally pale olive, blade white, internally tube glossy, wine-coloured, blade pink, wine-spotted, cream-coloured at the apex. Spadix equal or shorter than spathe, stipitate, stipe cream coloured, 0.3-0.7 cm long at the back, 1 cm long at the front; female zone 2.3-3.5 x 1.5 cm, sterile male zone 1-2.5 x 1.3 cm, fertile [male] zone 6 x 1.2 cm. Pistillate flowers: Ovary 2(-3)-locular, locules 7-9-ovulate, ovules positioned vertically ('superpositis'). Staminate flowers (5-)4(-3)-androus. INFRUCTESCENCE itself 5.5-6.4 cm x ca. 3 cm. Berries oblong in outline (compressed-cylindric) 0.6-0.7 cm x 0.3-0.34 cm, apically greenish-cream, cream coloured-below. Seeds 1.25 x 0.64 cm, brown.