Arum idaeum (Araceae)
Tuberous herb sprouting in early winter from a discoid, horizontally orientated tuber 3.5-5 cm across, 1.5-2.5 cm thick. Petiole terete, 8-21 cm long, 6-7 mm wide, deep green, heavily stained with purple, especially at the base. Leaf-blade oblong-sagittate, apex bluntly acute, 10-22.5 cm long, 8-17 cm wide, deep green. INFLORESCENCE unscented. Peduncle shorter than to just equalling the leaves, terete, 5-17 cm long, 3.5-5 mm wide, deep green, heavily stained with deep purple, the staining ending abruptly at the base of the spathe-tube. Spathe 7.5-11 cm long; spathe-tube broadly oblong-cylindric, 2.5-4 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, slightly constricted apically, exterior pale lime-green with very faint purple marbling basally, margin whitish green, interior whitish green; spathe-limb narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 5-9 cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, erect, cucullate, acute, externally white tinged with pale green, internally white with numerous scattered translucent patches, margin with a very narrow purple border. Spadix c. ¾ as long as the spathe-limb , 7.5-9.5 cm in total length; appendix fusiform-cylindric, laterally compressed, shortly and stoutly stipitate 5.5-7 cm long, 6-9 mm wide, dull deep purple with a few lilac patches, rarely dirty yellow with diffuse pale purple marbling, stipe encircled by a narrow lilac band basally, rarely dirty cream. Staminodes and pistillodes absent, but very rarely a few vestigial purple staminodes may be present. Interstices absent. Staminate flowers in a conical zone 7-9 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, contiguous with the pistillate flowers; anthers and connectives in a conical zone 7-9 mm long, 6-7 mm wide. Pistillate flowers in an oblong-cylindric cluster 14-17 mm long, 9-12 mm wide; ovaries oblong, rounded apically, lime-green; stigma white. Fruiting spike oblong-cylindric, 3.5-6 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide; berries oblong-pyriform, 5-9 mm long, 3.5-5 mm wide. Germination hypogeal.
Inflorescence borne beneath the leaves. Spathe-limb erect, white. Spadix-appendix laterally compressed, deep purple. Staminodes and pistillodes absent. Inflorescence unscented. (similar to Arum creticum)
Greece (Crete).
Soil pockets between boulders, scree, stony mountain meadows, often close to the snow-line.