Wolffiella welwitschii (Araceae)
Fronds submerged, with the basal part near the surface of the water, the tip bent downwards, coher 2-3 together, at the base saddle-like, wide tongue-shaped, rounded at the tip, nearly as wide at the tip as at the base, 3-7 mm long, 2.5-5.0 mm wide, 1 1/4-2 times as long as wide, without teeth, with 0-12 stomata (especially along the lateral margins of the base); air spaces distinct; the area containing air spaces not longer than wide; angle of the pouch 100-120 ; tract of elongated cells running along the median line of the lower wall of the pouch; point of attachment of the daughter frond after separation not conspicuous. INFLORESCENCE: Plants often flowering and fruiting. Flowering fronds similar to the vegetative ones. Two flowers per frond. INFRUCTESCENC: Seed 0.45 mm long, 0.3 mm thick.
Tract of elongated cells running along the median line of the lower wall of the pouch; 2 flowers per frond.
Tropical regions of Africa and America with warm semi-arid climates