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Zantedeschia albomaculata (Hook.) Baill.
LEAVES: petiole smooth, without bristles; blade of the leaf 6–18 in. long, 3–9 in. broad across the basal lobes, hastate or occasionally sagittate, with a wide open sinus, the part above the basal lobes very elongate-deltoid or elongate-oblong, acute or acuminate, more than twice as long as broad, green, with numerous elongated, semitransparent, white spots; INFLORESCENCE: Spathe 21/4–41/2 in. long; limb oblique, suberect, acuminate, milk-white, with a dark purple-brown blotch at the base inside; spadix shortly stipitate, scarcely half as long as the spathe, cylindric; ovaries with a sessile or subsessile stigma, pale greenish; staminodia none, or a few around the uppermost ovaries; anthers yellow.