Anthurium tunquii Croat
Epiphytic; internodes short, drying 1.2-2 cm diam.; cataphylls 9.5-14 cm long, tan, weathering to a large reticulate mass with some longitudinal fibers closer to the apex. LEAVES: Petioles 21.5-25.5 cm long, drying 2-5 mm diam., yellowish brown; blades oblong to oblong-elliptic, acuminate (acumen 2.5-3 cm long), cuneate to attenuate at base, 37-40 (- 46) × 7.5-8 cm, eglandular, pale to medium brownish green, sometimes more yellowish brown above, closely dark glandular-punctate, yellowish brown tinged with gray below; midrib convex, brown to concolorous above, convex and slightly more raised, concolorous below; primary lateral veins 10-13 per side, scarcely more prominent than interprimary veins; collective veins arising from near base, as prominent as primary lateral veins, 4-6 mm from margin, sometimes a very faint, short, secondary collective vein exists, ending about 1.3 cm from base. INFLORESCENCES with peduncle 28-39 (-50) cm long, drying 2-3 mm diam.; spathe erect or reflexed-spreading, oblong-elliptic, 4.5-5 cm × 6 mm at widest part near base unfurled, acuminate; spadix reddish brown, cylindrical, erect but sometimes arching to a 90° angle, 5-8 (-21) cm long, drying 3-4 mm diam. Flowers 1.6-1.9 × 1.2-1.3 mm, 4-5 (-6) visible per spiral; lateral tepals 0.9 mm wide, outer margins 2 sided.