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Xanthosoma guttatum Croat & D.C.Bay
Family: AraceaeGenus: Xanthosoma
Terrestrial; trunk not visible; base of petioles at top of stem ca. 20 cm wide. LEAVES erect-spreading; petioles 44–162 cm, unsheathed portion terete, yellowgreen, densely purple-speckled, sheathed halfway; sheath with undulate purple margins; blades ovate, acuminate at apex, sagittate at base, coriaceous, 40–161 x 24–100 cm, 1.4–1.6 times longer than wide, 0.9–1.4 times longer than petiole, upper surface semiglossy, dark green, drying glossy, dark brown with numerous, minute, dark, glandular punctations (at magnification of about 40x), lower surface weakly glossy, yellow-green or paler than above, drying glossy, slightly paler than above; anterior lobe 1.9–2 times longer than posterior lobes; posterior lobes acutely rounded at apex; major veins broadly rounded, pale yellow-green above, thicker than broad, paler than surface, densely purple-speckled below; primary lateral veins 3 to 9 per side, departing midrib at 60o–70o angles; collective veins 2 to 3, close to margin; minor veins weakly raised, darker than surface. INFLORESCENCES 5 per axil; peduncle erect, 16–25 cm, flesh-colored, densely violet-purple-speckled, glaucous; spathe 13–17 cm; spathe tube dark burgundy both surfaces, glaucous outside, glossy within; spathe blade reddish violet outside, white inside; spadix 12–15 cm; pistillate portion 1.8 cm x 19 mm at base (dry), 11 mm diam. at apex (dry), orange with red stigmas; staminate portion 11.8 cm; fertile staminate portion cylindrical, 10 cm 6 8 mm (dry), pale pink; sterile staminate portion 1.8 cm, tan at base (lower 8 x 13 mm), white at apex (upper 1 cm 6 6–7 mm). INFRUCTESCENCE unknown.