Anthurium effusispathum
Terrestrial or epiphytic; internodes short, ca. 1 cm long, 2-5.3 cm diam.; cataphylls persisting intact or semi-intact, red-brown or dark brown, 17-30 cm long, up to 8 cm wide at the base when flattened. LEAVES clustered at the base of the plant; petioles terete, weakly and obtusely sulcate, geniculate at apex, (27-)56-128 cm long, ca. (.6-)1-2 cm diam. midway, medium to dark green, matte to semiglossy, sometimes minutely and densely speckled; geniculum ca. 3 cm long; blades narrowly ovate-sagittate, cuspidate at apex, with broad posterior lobes projecting inward and often overlapping, (28-)50-84 cm long, (13-)21-41 cm wide, averaging 70 x 32 cm, l.4-2.7 times longer than wide, .5-l.0 times as long as petioles, subcoriaceous, dark green and matte-subvelvety or glossy above, paler green and glossy below, with punctations often clearly visible below; midrib convex and slightly paler above, acute and moderately paler below, prominently raised and 3-ribbed on older plants; primary lateral veins 11-17 pairs, rising at a 45-80° angle, weakly and narrowly raised, slightly paler in deep valleys above, acute and paler or almost concolorous below; tertiary veins mostly flattened and slightly darker below; collective veins arising from 3rd-4th pair of basal veins, 0-3 mm from margin; basal veins (5-)6-7, first (1-)2-3 pairs free to base, the remainder coalesced to varying degrees and regularly branching from the posterior rib; posterior rib thick, broadly curved, naked (1-)3-5 cm; sinus spathulate, with the posterior lobes markedly turned inward and often overlapping. INFLORESCENCES erect-spreading; peduncle terete, shorter than petioles, (32-)53-99 cm long, .9-l.7 cm diam., medium yellow-green, semi-glossy; spathe erect-spreading, broadly ovate to lanceolate, 12-25 cm long, 4-17 cm diam., 2.2-6.2 times shorter than peduncles, coriaceous, white or greenish white and glandular inside, white or pale green and glossy outside, surrounding back and sides of spadix, sometimes hooding; spadix stipitate 5 mm, thick and tapering towards the apex, creamy white or pale yellow-green, becoming brownish green, pinkish or dark lavender after anthesis, matte, 11-31 cm long, .9-3.0 mm diam., 1.0 cm from tip. Flowers 13-15 visible per spiral, 3.6-3.8 mm long, 3-3.2 mm wide; pistils weakly emergent; tepals glossy, drying matte, minutely papillate, lateral tepals l.8-2.0 mm wide, the outer margin 2-sided, the inner margin broadly rounded; stamens 6 mm wide, .4 mm long, the thecae narrowly ovate, slightly divaricate; pollen creamy white. INFRUCTESCENCES erect, to 31 cm long, 3 cm diam., spathe green, spadix turning purplish violet at maturity, weakly glossy; berries purplish red, 6 mm long.
Anthurium effusispathum is at present known only from Ecuador (Morona-Santiago, Napo, Zamora-Chinchipe), at 610-1,875 m elevation mostly in Premontane wet forest but also in Premontane moist forest, Lower montane moist forest and Lower montane wet forest life zones.