Anthurium lanjouwii (Araceae)
Terrestrial; stem to 15 cm long; internodes short, 1-1.5 cm diam.; roots moderately dense, spreading, to 25 cm long, the younger roots light brown, villous; cataphylls narrowly triangular, 3.4-5 cm long, persisting semi-intact toward apex, as fibers toward base. LEAVES with petioles 7-23 cm long, drying 3-7 mm diam., subterete, sulcate adaxially, drying with sharp margins, rounded abaxially; geniculum sharply sulcate, 0.5-1 cm long; blades subcoriaceous, elliptic to ovate-elliptic, acuminate and apiculate at apex, obtuse to rounded or sometimes cuneate at base, 23-36 cm long, 12-19 cm wide, drying yellow-green to yellow-brown; midrib prominently riased on both surfaces, drying angular and paler than surface below; primary lateral veins 6-9 per side, departing midrib at 40-60° angle, moderately straight to the margin, then markedly ascending and merging with the margin or loop-connecting with the next higher vein, raised on both surfaces; tertiary veins drying prominulous below; collective vein lacking or arising below the middle of the blade. INFLORESCENCES erect, shorter than leaves; peduncle 17-39 cm long; spathe promptly withering and soon deciduous, green tinged with purple, lanceolate, 2.5-4.5 cm long, 0.7-0.8 cm wide, inserted at ca. 45° angle on peduncle, mucronate at apex, acute at base; spadix purplish brown, weakly tapered, short-stipitate, 5-14 cm long, drying 4-6 mm diam.; flowers rhombic, 2.5- 3.3 mm long, 1.7-2.3 mm wide, the sides smoothly sigmoid parallel to spiral, jaggedly sigmoid perpendicular to spiral; 5-7 flowers visible in principal spiral; tepals matte and brown on drying; lateral tepals 0.8 mm wide, the inner margins rounded, the outer margins bluntly triangular; pistils not at all emergent; stigma linear, slitlike, to 0.8 mm long, stamens emerging in a regular sequence, held just above the tepals in a tight cluster above pistil, inclined over and obscuring the pistil; anthers 4 mm long, 5.5 mm wide; thecae ovoid, moderately divaricate. INFRUCTESCENCE unknown.
Endemic to Surinam, known only from steep southern slopes of the Emma Mountains.
Steep southern slopes of the Emma Mountains, on sandstone and dolomite.