Homalomena wallichii
Medium, solitary to weakly clumping, evergreen, glabrous, weakly aromatic (pinene), herbs to 1.2 m tall, shoots pleionanthic. Stem up to 30cm tall, 2.5 cm diam., initially erect, later decumbent, older parts clothed with pale brown papery to fibrous petiole base remains, with the roots penetrating this fibrous layer, ultimately naked, rooting prolifically from the nodes, active tip erect. Leaves up to 10 together, spirally arranged, clustered towards shoot tips; petioles erect, exceeding the blade, up to 85 cm long, non-sheathing portion weakly distally D-shaped in cross section, subterete proximally, .6-1cm diam., above petiolar sheath, base clasping the stem and expanding into a loosely persistent petiolar sheath, weakly glossy medium green with very faint dark green striae, petiolar sheath up to 13 cm long, slightly more less than 1/5 of petiole length, persistent, loosely closed, narrowly triangular and briefly decurrent at tip, appreciably paler green than petiole; leaf blade held almost perpendicular to the petiole, narrowly triangular to narrowly elliptic-triangular, 15-40 cm x 8--17 cm, base sagittate to hastate, apex attenuate with an apiculate tip ca. 5 mm long, posterior lobes 8--13 cm long, with 3-4 primary lateral veins arising from the same point and narrowly triangular, apex rounded, interior sides (across the sinus) narrowly elliptic, the sinus sub-naked for ca. 1.5 cm in most leaves, blade margins entire, adaxially semi-glossy medium green, abaxially slightly paler green; mid-rib less conspicuously impressed adaxially, prominent abaxially, semi-terete shape at midvein cross section; primary lateral veins ca. 7 per side, conspicuously raised abaxially, somewhat impressed adaxially; interprimary veins irregularly alternating with primaries, somewhat less prominent; secondary venation much finer, arising often almost at the base of the primaries; tertiary venation invisible. Inflorescences up to 6 together, smelling strongly of Eugenia (Myrtaceae), maturing sequentially in a simple synflorescence; peduncle upright at anthesis, fully declinate after anthesis; peduncle ca. 45 cm long, ca. 7 mm diam., weakly 3-angled-terete, medium green more-or-Iess evenly suffused medium brown, fading to green at the insertion of the spathe, very faintly irregularly pale striate. Spathe unconstricted, narrowly triangular-cylindrical in bud, the base strongly oblique, ca. 7.5 cm long x 2 cm wide just prior to anthesis, at anthesis gaping to ca. 2.5 cm, based rounded and obliquely inserted on peduncle, tip obtuse with an abrupt, stout rostrum to 3 mm, spathe dorsally rich ochre yellow with a reddish brown median band, ventrally and internally pale yellow, externally with faint darker longitudinal veining, rostrum green. Spadix ca. 8 x 1.2 cm, obliquely stipitate; stipe 5 mm long x 7 mm wide, very pale green. Pistillate flower zone slightly compressed cylindrical, ca. 3 x 1.2 cm, pistils moderately densely arranged, 2 x 1 mm; ovary truncate-cylindric, the lowermost ones somewhat compressed, medium yellow; stigma sessile, discoid, flat, dirty white, ca. 1.1 mm diam.; interpistillar staminodes ca. 2 mm long, very slightly shorter that pistils, stipe very slender, clavate, waxy white, a few staminodes associated with distal-most pistils weakly trapezodial in plan view. Staminate flower zone ca. 4.5 x 1 cm, laterally compress-cylindrical, tip bluntly weakly tapering, ivory, almost contiguous with the pistillate zone, the interface marked by a very few scattered trapezoidal staminodes; staminate flowers weakly and irregularly rhombo-hexagonal, most with 4 stamens, 2 x 1.8 x 1.5-2 mm, anthers with 2 distinct thecae, each with a terminal crenate lobe, and overtopped by a large connective. Fruiting spathe persistent, turning glossy reddish brown, somewhat yellowish distally. Fruits & seeds not observed.
Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. Endemic, and seemingly restricted to Taman Negara Pulau Pinang ("Muka Head N.P.")
Humid lowland dipterocarp forest on granite and granite derived soils; ca. 50 m asl.