Anthurium bicordoense
Internodes 3.6-13 cm long, .4-.8 cm diam., drying light yellowish gray, ribbed, slightly granular, few-dispersed pale inclusions, moderately glossy; cataphylls 8.2-9.3 cm long, .8-1.4 cm wide, drying greenish gray, pale lineate, persisting as pale fibers; petioles 18.3-27.7 cm long, 2.0-3.5 mm wide, subterete, drying yellowish brown but greenish gray at base, few deeply ribbed, slightly glossy, dark inclusions, slightly granular; geniculum .7-1.4 cm long, 2-4 mm wide, drying a darker yellowish brown, finely many-ribbed; blades broadly ovate, 23.2-33.5 cm long, 13.2-25.4 cm wide, 1.5 times longer than broad, abruptly acuminate at apex, subcordate at base, drying medium, green above, light greenish gray below; upper surface densely granular; lower surface moderately smooth, weakly pale, short-lineate; anterior lobe 17.8-27.8 cm, rounded to broadly rounded; posterior lobes 3.8-4.4 cm, 4.3-9.2 cm wide, narrowly rounded; sinus arcuate to parabolic, 2.7-4.5 cm deep, 4.5-4.7 midway; basal veins 4-5 pairs, 1 st-3rd free to base, 4th fused 1.2-2.1 cm, 5th fused 1.8-3.2 cm; posterior rib naked 1.6-2.1 cm; midrib narrowly rounded to bluntly acute and concolorous above, narrowly round-raised and paler below; primary lateral veins 9-10 on both sides, arising at 45-50°, narrowly rounded to convex and concolorous above, narrowly raised and narrowly round-raised and granular below; tertiary veins weak on upper surface, weakly raised and concolorous below; collective veins arising from 3rd basal vein, 2-4 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCES with peduncle 8.4-15.8 cm long, 1-3 mm wide, many-deeply ribbed, cellular inclusions, slightly darker than petiole; spathe spreading, 5 cm long, .7 cm wide, 7 times longer than broad, drying greenish gray, finely many-ribbed, pale-lineate; spadix green to yellow, 4.8-5.2 cm long, 3-4 mm diam., 14 times longer than broad, stipitate 3-4 mm; flowers 5 visible per spiral, .9-1.4 cm long, .9-1.1 cm wide; tepals darkly-color, moderately granular, lateral tepals .7-.8 mm, inner margins rounded, outer margins 3-4-sided, sometimes with 2 obtuse angles and one rounded side.
Anthurium bicordoense is believed to be endemic to Colombia, known only from the valley of the RIO San Juan in Choco Department at less than 100 m elevation in a Tropical rainforest life zone.