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Amorphophallus bhandarensis S. R. Yadav, Kahalkar & Bhuskute
Family: AraceaeGenus: Amorphophallus
Tuberous herb; tuber globose, 5-7 cm in diam., 3-4.5 cm thick producing short rhizomatous offsets. Leaves 3-sect.; segments pinnatisect; petiole smooth, 40-55 cm in height, cylindric, 1.5-2 cm in diam., blotched with very fine peculiar patterns of tiny dark black lines or spots scattered over; rachis winged; leaf lobes lanceolate, acuminate, terminal forked, 7-19 cm x 3-5 cm, lateral nerves distinctly uniting into marginal vein. Inflorescence long, peduncled, smooth, appearing before leaves; peduncle 35-55 cm long, 1.5-2 cm in diam., blotched with peculiar patterns of tiny dark black lines or dots; spathe erect, broadly ovate, tip acute, 14-15.5 cm long, 3.5-4 cm in diam., convolute, outside brownish pale green with numerous fine veins, inside purplish, dark brown at base. Spadix stipitate, 15.5- 16.5 cm long, longer than spathe. Female flower zone 3.5-4 cm long; male flower zone 4.5-5.5 cm long; neutral zone between male and female zone, 1.5-2 cm long with conical, rhomboidal neuter flowers, purple at top; appendix 3.5-4 cm long, pale yellow, tapering towards apex. Female flowers closely arranged, green; ovary 2-4 locular with one basal anatropous ovule in each locule; stigma sessile 3-4 lobed, pale yellow, rounded or conical. Male flowers yellow, anthers truncate; opening by two apical pores. Berries ovoid, 2-4 seeded, globose, bright red at maturity.