Anthurium imazaense Croat
Epiphytic; internodes very short; cataphylls probably lanceolate. LEAVES 166 m long with petioles 34 cm long, 1 cm diam., drying with V-shaped sulcus adaxially, prominently 3-ribbed abaxially; geniculum 9 mm, remote from the leafy portion of the blade, naked axis of blade 11.5 cm; blades 132 cm long, 50 cm wide, 2.6 times longer than wide, 3.9 times longer than petiole, narrowly obovate, narrowly rounded at apex, attenuate at base, epunctate, semiglossy, somewhat bicolorous, drying grayish brown above, grayish yellow-brown below; midrib drying prominently raised, narrowly acute adaxially (1 cm wide, 0.7 cm high), narrowly raised, drying light yellow-brown, prominently 2 or more ribbed on either side, several-ribbed on each side abaxially; primary lateral veins 13 pairs arising from the midrib at an 80° angle near the base, a 50u angle toward the apex, drying narrowly round-raised (2 mm wide, 1 mm high), reddish brown adaxially, round-raised, finely ribbed, darker than surface abaxially; collective veins lacking, even the uppermost primary lateral vein merging with the margin; upper surfaces drying semiglossy, minutely granular with a few white pustules near and on the midrib; lower surface drying moderately smooth. INFLORESCENCE 42 cm long, sessile with peduncle 7.5cm drying nearly terete,3mm diam.; spathe reddish, 20 cm long, 2 cm wide, erect-spreading, drying fibrous, reddish; spadix stipitate 6 mm, violet-purple, 34.5 cm long, 1 cm diam., gradually tapering; flowers 12 - 15 visible per spiral, 2.2 - 2.4 mm long, 1.8 - 1.9 mm wide; tepals sparsely granular, lateral tepals 1.3 mm wide, inner margins broadly rounded with rippling edges flaring upward, outer margins 2-sided.