Anthurium paloraense
Epiphytic; internodes short, 1.3 cm diam.; roots densely arranged, pale green-ish white; cataphylls 4.6 cm long, narrow- ly lanceolate, slightly curved, persisting more or less intact, reddish brown. LEAVES 79.5long; petioles 7 - 8 cmlong, 0.6 - 1.1 cm thick and broad, narrowly D-shaped, the adaxial margins moderately acute and weakly raised (the margins sometimes weakly undulate toward apex, rounded to weakly 3-ribbed abaxially with a weak rib on one side, at least the younger petioles heavily tinged purple-violet, weakly glossy; geniculum 2 cm long, 1.4 cm thick and broad, drying darker than petioles; blades narrowly oblanceolate,72.5 - 74 cm long, 17 - 19.7 cm wide, 4 times longer than broad, broadest in apical 1/3, 10 times longer than petioles, abruptly and weakly acuminate at apex, gradually tapered to base and abruptly ending with an inequilaterally acute base, semiglossy, somewhat bicolorous, drying dark brown and weakly glossy above, dark olive-brown and semi-glossy below; midrib bluntly ribbed near the base, becoming promptly more acutely ribbed, sharply triangular to the apex, more or less concolorous above, narrowly rounded and reddish brown below, weakly ribbed near the base, drying the same; primary lateral veins 13 - 14 pairs, narrowly rounded and more or less concolorous above, slightly thicker, narrowly rounded and reddish brown below, arising at an acute angle then abruptly spreading at up to 90° angle near the base, to 70° angle midway and to 50u angle near apex; tertiary veins flat and darker than surface below, flat and moderately obscure above; collective veins lacking or at most arising from near the apex; margins weakly undulate. INFLORESCENCE 51.2 - 53.8 cm long, erect-spreading; peduncle 38 - 41 cm long, 5 mm diam., medium green, semi-glossy, tinged purple in lower 2/5, drying light brown with fragments of reddish brown epidermis; spathe spreading-re-curved, 9 - 14.2 cm long, 1.3 - 3 cm wide, narrowly acuminate at apex, decurrent to 3.5 cm at base, joining peduncle at ca. 25° angle, drying coriaceous and medium brown; spadix sessile, narrowly cylindroid, pale yellow-green, 9.4 - 18 cm long, 10 mm diam. at base, 12 mm diam. midway, 10 mm diam. at 1 cm from the apex, rounded at apex, drying dark brown; flowers 13 - 14 visible per spiral, 2.5 - 3 mm long, 2.3 - 3 mm wide, drying 2.2 mm long, 1.8 mm wide; tepals minutely granular upon drying; lateral tepals drying 1.1 mm wide, broadly shield-shaped, outer side 3 - 4-sided, the sides parallel to the spiral more or less straight, the sides perpendicular to the spirals jaggedly sigmoid; pistils pinkish red, 1 mm wide on each side; stigma 2 mm long, 1 mm wide.
Anthurium paloraense is known only from the type locality in Ecuador in Morona-Santiago Province in the region of Palora in the valley of the Rió Pastaza at 380 m in a Premontane wet forest life zone.