Homalomena passa
Moderate, clumping evergreen, aromatic (reminiscent of pine) mesophytic herbs to 55 cm tall. Stem epigeal, erect, leafy, rooting from the nodes and from through the petiole bases. Leaves ca. 10 per module, ca. 12-16 together; modules subtended by a conspicuous prophyll up to 12 cm long, this conspicuously 2-keeled; petioles up to 55 cm long, although usually much less, sheathing for ca. 1/3 their length, ascending to slightly spreading, flexing either upwards or downwards at the 2-3 cm long pulvinus occurring ca. 2/3 along the petiole length, with 1/3 of the petiole lying distal to the pulvinus, petiole above the petiolar sheath terete in cross section, with the distal-most ca. 5 cm shallowly dorsally grooved, the dorsal edges bluntly rounded, petiole glossy medium green with faint longitudinal striae; petiolar sheath conspicuous, persistent, margins incurved except for the distal 2 cm where margins flaring and very slightly auriculate, sheath coloured as for petiole, the margins hyaline; blade 12-26 3 8-20 cm; triangular hastate, posterior lobes spreading, triangular to rounded triangular, sinus acute, apex acute, tubular-mucronate for ca. 2 mm, glossy medium green adaxially, matte sub-glaucous pale green with darker pellucid striate interprimary venation especially near the blade margin, these more conspicuous on younger leaves, blade very slightly quilted between the primary veins; midrib moderately conspicuous, flush to very slightly raised adaxially, rounded-raised abaxially, notably basally; primary lateral veins up to 8 per side, the lower 3 arising simultaneously and associated with the posterior lobes, impressed adaxially, raised abaxially; interprimary veins of two types, one type alternating with primaries and only slightly less conspicuous, the second type comprising conspicuous pellucid darker veins, these very numerous and sometimes branching just after they exit the midrib; secondary and tertiary venation 6 invisible. Inflorescences up to 6 together, produced sequentially in a simple synflorescence; peduncle slender, up to 20 cm 3 1.5 mm, bright green, erect later pendent, inflorescence slightly nodding and spathe opening ventrally relative to the peduncle; spathe broadly fornicate at pistillate anthesis, broadly ovate-ellipsoid, not constricted, ca. 5.3 x 3.2 cm deep at anthesis, tipped with a rostrate mucro 5 mm long, margins reflexing during anthesis, spathe medium green in bud, at anthesis with exterior green and interior white with minute paler glands. Spadix under ca. 2/3 length of the spathe, ca. 3 cm long including the stipe, obliquely inserted on the peduncle; stipe oblique and partially dorsally adnate to the spathe/peduncle insertion, ca. 5 mm long on its longest side, ca. 3 mm diam., pale green with scattered paler longitudinal glands; pistillate flower zone ca. 1/3 the length of the spadix, ca. 0.8 x 1 cm; pistils somewhat loosely arranged, globose, ca. 1 x 0.6 mm, green; style very short, conspicuously narrower than the ovary; stigma wider than the style, umbonate-capitate, greyish white, producing a conspicuous stigmatic droplet at pistillate anthesis; interpistillar staminodes clavate, slightly exceeding the height of the associated pistil, ivory-white, all staminodes directly downwards, the lowermost reflexing markedly against the stipe; staminate flower zone contiguous with the pistillate flower zone, with a single incomplete row of staminodes intercalated between the first row of pistillate flowers, ca. 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm, bluntly ellipsoid, ivory; staminate flowers 4-staminate, stamens each with two anthers, rarely 3; stamens elongate-globose, connective minutely prominulent, and not forming a synconnective; thecae opening by a conspicuous lateral slit. Infructescence declinate, spathe fully persistent and turning deep green, ellipsoid, ca. 5.5 x 2 cm; fruit and seeds not observed.
Known only from the Long Langsat drainages of Mulu, NE Sarawak, where it is rare.
Lowland moist riverine ever-green forest on exposed shales; ca.30m asl.