Philodendron fosteri
Vine; stems elongated; internodes drying yellow-brown, with prominent ridges, the surface smooth, greenish yellow, moderately glossy; internodes longer than broad, 6.5-14.5 cm long, drying 5-6 mm diam.; cataphylls green, slender, deciduous. LEAVES scattered along stem; petioles erect-spreading, subterete, 9-10.6 cm long, drying ca. 2 mm diam., gray-green, sheathed to less than 1 cm (to 2.5 cm long when subtending inflorescence); blades narrowly oblanceolate, 20.5-22.0 cm long, 6-6.4 cm wide, 3.4 times longer than wide, 2.3 times longer than petioles, drying yellowish gray-green above, moderately paler and gray-green below, abruptly and narrowly acuminate; midrib drying broadly rounded and finely ribbed, pale short-lineate, concolorous above, paler and finely ribbed below; primary lateral veins 6-7 pairs, arising at a 60° angle (1 directly from the base), drying concolorous, moderately obscure above, finely ribbed and lighter than blade below. INFLORESCENCES 1 per axil; peduncle nearly as long as spathe, pale green, ca. 8.2 cm long, drying 3 mm diam.; spathe pale green outside, ca. 9.3 cm long, ca. 1.1 cm diam. upon drying, flattening to 2.3 cm wide; spadix 9.8 cm long; staminate spadix 6.3 cm long, 4 mm diam. at base, 5 mm diam. toward apex; sterile staminate portion 6 mm diam., 3-5 mm long; pistillate portion greenish, 3.8 cm long, 4.8 mm diam. at base, 7 mm diam. midway, 5 mm diam. at apex; pistils 1.6-2 mm long, 1-1.2 mm diam.; style broadly flattened, irregularly 5- to 6-sided, densely granular, 1-1.6 mm diam.; stigma funnel-shaped with a prominently donut-shaped margin, 0.15 mm diam., 0.2-0.3 mm thick; ovary oblong-elliptic, 4-locular; ovules 1 per locule, 1.3 mm long, 0.2 mm diam.
Philodendron fosteri is known only to Peru but should be expected in adjacent Brazil and possibly northern Bolivia. It is presently known only from the type locality in Parque Nacional Manu at 350 m elevation in a Subtropical wet forest life zone.