
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
Boyce, P. Charles2008A review of Alocasia (Araceae: Colocasieae) for Thailand including a novel species and new species records from South-West Thailand
Boyce, P. Charles2008A Taxonomic Revision of Biarum
Boyce, P. Charles2009Anadendrum (Araceae: Monsteroideae: Anadendreae) in Thailand
Boyce, P. Charles2009Ariopsis (Araceae: Colocasieae) a new generic record for Thailand & preliminary observations on trans-Himalayan biogeography in Araceae
Boyce, P. Charles2009A review of Pothos L. (Araceae: Pothoideae: Pothoeae) for Thailand
Boyce, P. CharlesSubmittedHapaline in Araceae (Unpublished) Flora Malesiana
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.0Original publication of Ooia paxilla
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.0Original publication of Homalomena limnogena
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.0Original publication of Piptospatha deceptrix
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.0Original publication of Piptospatha loi
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2012Original publication of Homalomena hypsiantha
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2013Original publication of Schismatoglottis evelyniae
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2013Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XXII: The enigmatic Aridarum montanum refound
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2013Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XXIII: Piptospatha colata and P. deceptrix, taxonomic novelties from Borneo
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2014Original publication of Schismatoglottis camera-lucida
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2014Original publication of Schismatoglottis gampsospadix
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2014Original publication of Schismatoglottis gui
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2014Original publication of Homalomena cowleyae
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2014Original publication of Homalomena imitator
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2014Original publication of Homalomena mutans
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2014Original publication of Homalomena selaburensis
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2014Original publication of Homalomena stella
Boyce, P. C., Ipor, I. B., Hetterscheid W. L. A.2010A Review of the White-flowered Amorphophallus (Araceae: Thomsonieae) Species in Sarawak
Boyce, A. Kurniawan, Charles P.2011Studies on the Alocasia Schott (Araceae-Colocasieae) of Borneo II: Alocasia baginda, a New Species from Eastern Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo
Boyce, J. Bogner, Charles P.2009Studies on the Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo VI: A New Schismatoglottis Species from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2008Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo VII: Schottarum and Bakoa, two new genera from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2013Original publication of Aridarum uncum
Boyce, P. C., Wong S. Y.2013Original publication of Aridarum hippocrepis
Boyce, P. C.2014Original publication of Bucephalandra yengiae
Bown, D.1988Aroids: Plants of the Arum Family
Bogner, J., NGUYEN V. A. N. D. U.2008A new Homalomena species (Araceae) from Vietnam
Bogner, J., Marchesi E.2008Mangonia uruguaya (Hicken) Bogner (Araceae) Recollected
Bogner, J., Johnson, K. R., Kvacek, Z., Jr. G. R. Upchurc2007New fossil leaves of Araceae from the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene of western North America
Bogner, J., Hoffman, G. L., Aulenback K. R.2005A fossilized aroid infructescence, Albertarum pueri gen.nov. et sp.nov., of Late Cretaceous (Late Campanian) age from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation of southern Alberta, Canada
Bogner, J., Hay A.2000Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) in Malesia 2: Aridarum, Bucephalandra, Phymatarum and Piptospatha Telopea
Bogner, J., Hannon L.2007New species of Xanthosoma and Chlorospatha (Araceae) from Colombia and a new combination in Chlorospatha
Bogner, J., Goncalves E. G.2002Two new aroids from South America
Bogner, J., Goncalves E. G.2005Two new species of Xanthosoma (Araceae) from South America and notes on the tribe Caladieae
Bogner, J., Croat T. B.2012A new species of Philodendron (Araceae)
Bogner, J., Croat T. Bernard2012Original publication of Philodendron geniculatum
Bogner, J., BOYCE P. E. T. E. R.2008Eminium jaegeri (Araceae), a new species from northwestern Iran
Bogner, J.1969Une Nouvelle Espece Du genre Callopsis Engl. (Araceae) et Considerations Taxonomiques sur ce genre. Adansonia
Bogner, J.1975Aracées. Flore de Madagascar et des Comores
Bogner, J.1980Eine Neue Culcasia-art (Araceae) Aus Gabon. Botanischer Garten Munchen, Miscellaneous papers, Lanbouwhogeschool Wageningen
Bogner, J.1981Pseudohydrosme gabunensis Engl. Aroideana
Bogner, J.1984On Hapaline appendiculata and Phymatarum borneense, Two Rare Araeeae from Borneo
Bogner, J.1985A new Xanthosoma from Para, Brazil
Bogner, J.1994araceae Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. paris
Bogner, J.1997New Taxa of Araceae. Sendtnera
Bogner, J.2003A new Amorphophallus species (Araceae) from Madagascar


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith