Arisaema menghaiense (Araceae), a New Epiphytic Species from South Yunnan, China

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:Jian-Tao, Y., Heng, L., Zai-Fu X.
Journal:Novon; a Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. St. Louis, MO
Start Page:372
Keywords:Araceae, Arisaema, China, Yunnan

Arisaema menghaiense J. T. Yin, H. Li & Z. F. Xu. (sect. Pistillata Engler) is described and illustrated as a new species of Araceae from South Yunnan, China. It is closely related to Arisaema lobatum Engler in having a globose tuber, trifoliolate leaf blades, a unisexual spadix, and an erect cylindrical appendix. It differs in its epiphytic habit, the inflorescence that appears before the leaf, a green (female) or pale purple (male) spathe with a filiform acumen ca. 60 cm (male) or 25 cm (female) long, a pale green, erect, sessile cylindrical spadix appendix with a few acute neuter flowers basally and anther thecae opening by an apical slit.

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