The End of Pseudodracontium N.E. Br.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2012
Authors:Hetterscheid, W. L. A., Claudel C.
Journal:Aroideana; Journal of the International Aroid Society
Start Page:40
Keywords:Amorphophallus, Araceae, phylogeny, Pseudodracontium, taxonomy, Thomsonieae

The aroid genus Pseudodracontium N.E. Br. is reduced to Amorphophallus Bl. ex Decne. New names and a new key to taxa of the former Pseudodracontium are presented. A discussion on its phylogenetic position within Amorphophallus is given.

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The genus Pseudodracontium was established by N.E. Brown in 1882. He introduced one new species, P. anomalum N.E. Br., and transferred Amorphophallus lacourii Lind. & Andre´ to Pseudodracontium. The first mentioned species was chosen as the lectotype species by Nicolson (1967). Subsequent years saw the addition of several new names in Pseudodracontium. These were dealt with taxonomically in a revision of the genus by Serebryanyi (1995) which left a total of 6 accepted species, 4 of which were newly introduced in that revision. After the revision only one new name was published in relation to Pseudodracontium, namely Amorphophallus glaucophyllus Hett. & Serebryanyi (Hetterscheid, 2006): Because it was already then strongly suspected by the authors that Pseudodracontium would soon be transferred to Amorphophallus, this new species, clearly a member of ‘‘Pseudodracontium’’, was published as a species of Amorphophallus.
Pseudodracontium has always been thought to be very closely related to Amorphophallus and both genera solely make up the tribe Thomsonieae. Thomsonieae is now regarded to be the sister group of Caladieae (incl. Zomicarpeae; Cabrera et al., 2008; Cusimano et al., 2011).

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