A revision of Scaphispatha (Araceae – Caladieae) including a new species

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:Gonçalves, E. Gomes
Journal:Rodriguesia; Revista do Instituto de Biologia Vegetal, Jardim Botanico e Estaçao Biologica do Itatiaya
Start Page:53
Keywords:Araceae, Caladieae, Cerrado, geophyte, Scaphispatha

(A revision of Scaphispatha (Araceae – Caladieae) including a new species) The formerly considered monospecific genus Scaphispatha (Araceae – Caladieae) is here revised. Scaphispatha robusta E.G.Gonç, a second species for the genus is newly described from the Cerrado Biome and the transition Cerrado-Amazonia. It differs from S. gracilis Brongn. ex Schott by the much more robust petioles and leaves, primary lateral veins drying clearer than the lamina, lateral secondary veins conspicously more prominent than tertiary veins and for the female spadix with 11-15 rows of flowers visible in side view. A key to separate both species is provided, as well as ink illustrations and general remarks on the genus.

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The exclusively neotropical genus Scaphispatha was formerly considered monospecific. The type species – Scaphispatha gracilis – ranges from Brazil to Bolivia (Bogner 1980; Mayo et al. 1997), at the transitional areas between the phytogeographic provinces of the Cerrado, Caatinga and the Amazonia. Despite the wide occurrence, flowering seems to be an ephemeral event, so flowering specimens are very rarely collected. Until living collections were brought to cultivation by Josef Bogner in 1980, only three flowering collections (including the type specimen) were recognized in herbaria (Bogner 1980) and the leaves were unknown.
Recently, a second species of Scaphispatha Eduardo Gomes Gonçalves was recognized when plants from Pará state (Northern Brazil) flowered in cultivation. Sterile specimens of this species has been collected and seen for years, but they were consistently considered as belonging to Caladium because of the large-sized peltate leaves, usually speckled in white.
In order to make easier the comparisons of the newly described species with the former one, both are fully described and illustrated and a taxonomic account for the genus is presented.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith