Pontes TA 2014. Morphometric and genetic patterns in Anthurium Sect. Urospadix in Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil

On this page are posted information sources which should enable other workers to examine the analyses and data used in the paper :-

Pontes, T.A., van den Berg, C., Andrade, I.M. & Mayo, S.J. 2014. Comparative morphology and ISSR genetic patterns in rupicolous species of Anthurium Sect. Urospadix (Araceae) from central Bahia, Brazil. Chapter 1 in: Pontes, T.A., Estudo taxonômico das espécies de Anthurium Sect. Urospadix (Araceae) endêmicas ao sertão central da Bahia, baseado em dados genêticos e morfométricos, e enfocando e-Taxonomy. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brasil.

The metadata of these information sources are listed below in the form in which they should be cited as electronic publications:-

1. Pontes, T.A., van den Berg, C., Andrade, I.M. & Mayo, S.J. 2014. Qualitative morphology. A data frame prepared for cluster analysis using Gower's distance in PAST 2.17c software. Published electronically on CATE Araceae website at: <http://araceae.e-monocot.org/node/3612>

Download from this link:- http://araceae.e-monocot.org/node/3612#overlay-context=node/3612

2. Pontes, T.A., Mayo, S.J., van den Berg, C. & Andrade, I.M. 2014. Programming script for R:  Fuzzy c-means clustering of a qualitative morphology dataset of 44 characters and 28 populations using Gower's dissimilarity matrix. Published electronically on CATE Araceae website at: <http://araceae.e-monocot.org/node/3733>

Download from this link: http://araceae.e-monocot.org/node/3733

3. Pontes, T.A., Mayo, S.J., van den Berg, C. & Andrade, I.M. 2014. Programming script for R:  Model-based clustering using mclust of a binary molecular dataset of 173 ISSR markers from 7 primers and 24 populations using scores on the first 132 principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) axes. Published electronically on CATE Araceae website at: <http://araceae.e-monocot.org/node/3734

Download from this link: http://araceae.e-monocot.org/node/3734

4. Pontes, T.A., Mayo, S.J., van den Berg, C., Andrade, I.M. 2014. Dataframes for comparative morphology and ISSR genetic patterns in rupicolous species of Anthurium Sect. Urospadix (Araceae) from central Bahia, Brazil. Published electronically on CATE Araceae website at: <http://araceae.e-monocot.org/node/3770>

Download from this link: http://araceae.e-monocot.org/node/3770

Taxonomic name: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith