Anthurium petrophilum (Araceae)
Rupicolous herb with erect stem to 30cm long, 4cm thick, old cataphylls persistent, up to 15cm long, membranous to fibrous, coppery-ferrugineous. LEAVES more-or-less rosulate in apical cluster; petiole to 45cm long, 0.7cm thick, shorter than blade, broadly sulcate on upper surface with sharply-angled margins, lower surface triangular in section with sharply keeled or narrowly winged central rib, apical pulvinus very swollen; leaf blade linear-lanceolate to linear-elliptic, to 75cm long, 7cm broad, coriaceous, dull green on upper surface, dull and slightly paler below, apex acute to subacute, base narrowly-cuneate to rounded; midrib flattened to rounded on upper surface, sharply-keeled below, main side veins forming inframarginal veins, venation almost completely obscured on lower surface in fresh material. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle to 100cm long, 0.5cm thick, much longer than petiole, elliptic to 1-4 costate in section, palle greyish-maroon, erect; spathe linear, to 15cm long, 2cm broad, shorter than or subequal to spadix, green, rose-tinged at apex and base, very widely spreading to reflexed, persistent; spadix narrowly-conic, to 25cm long, 0.7cm thick, erect, subsessile; teplas dark green, usually purplish tinged. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries oblong to broadly-obovate to 0.9cm long, 0.7cm broad, rounded apically, dull blackish-purple at apex, white basally; seeds oblong to subcircular, flattened, to 0.6cm long, 0.4cm broad.
Brazil (Bahia).
Occurs as a rupicolous herb on rocky outcrops in the caatinga zone of central Bahia.