Anthurium polyphlebium (Araceae)
Stems small ('caudilculi') slender, erect, internodes 4.5 cm long. Cataphylls linear-lanceolate, 5 - 7 cm long, membranaceous, livid-punctulate [punctuate with liver-coloured dots], caducous. LEAVES: Petiole slender 15 - 20 cm long, canaliculate above, with fairly long geniculum. Leaf blade rigid, thinly parchment-like, oblong-elliptic, obtuse at the base, shortly acuminate at the apex, acute, subequal to petiole, twice as long as wide, primary lateral aveins numerous and close together, erect-patent, all except the lowermost 1 - 2 joined into a collective vein 3 - 4 mm distant from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle slender, shorter than petiole. Spathe linear-lanceolate, acute, livid-punctate adaxially, a little shorter than the spadix. Spadix subsessile, cylindric, obtuse, yellowish. Tepals nearly equally as wide as long.
Data Deficient (DD)
Ecuador. At the foot of the volcano Atacatzo around San Florencio