Anthurium prominens Engl.
LEAVES: Petiole somewhat terete, longer than blade (in the only specimen to hand 50 cm long), geniculum 2 cm ('2 dm') long, blade subcoriaceous, rigid, cordate-triangular in outline, ca. 40 cm long, nearly 30 cm wide in lower part, posterior lobes separated by a large, widely campaniform sinus, anterior lobe 4 times longer, subtriangular, narrowing by a very slightly curved, almost straight line, primary lateral veins of the posterior lobes 6, weakly curved, joined into basal ribs long denuded for 2.5 cm in the sinus, curving upwards near the margin and running into the margin, basal secondary lateral veins arising from the primaries at an obtuse or right angle, and between the primaries joined with reticulate veins, strongly prominent on abaxial surface. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle longitudinally sulcate. Spathe lanceolate 10 cm long, 1.5 cm wide. Spadix 20 cm long, 6 - 7 mm thick basally.