Anthurium purdieanum Schott
Stem sympodial, decumbent, internodes up to 10 cm long. LEAVES; Petiole 3 – 4 cm long, terete, one fifth to one quarter as long as the blade, geniculum short. Leaf blade punctuate abaxially, lanceolate-oblong, rounded at the base, 12 – 14 cm long, 4 – 5 cm wide, with an acumen ca. 1 cm long, innermost collective vein 5 mm distant from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 4 – 5 times longer than the petiole, ca. 15 cm long. Spathe 5 – 6 cm long, lanceolate-linear, 5 mm wide. Spadix myosuroid, with a 1 cm long stipe, 10 – 12.5 cm long, 4 mm thick when in flower.