Anthurium quinquenervium (Araceae)
LEAVES: Petioles with geniculum obscure, canaliculate; blades subcoriaceous, broadly lanceolate-oblong, a little wider at the lower half, 4-4.5 dm [40 - 45] long, 1.2 dm [12 cm] wide at the bottom, narrowed gradually toward the apex, rounded toward the base, repand cordately at the bottom, very short-cuneate toward the geniculum; basal veins 2 pairs, the outermost more slender, close to the margin, merging into the margin at the lower quarter of the leaf, the innermost thicker, arcuate-ascending, united into a continuous collective vein, which joins the upper primary veins; primary lateral veins about 10, scattered, with second and tertiary veins interspersed. INFLORESCENCE: Spathe broadly linear-lanceolate, very short-decurrent, 5 cm long, 2 cm wide at the bottom; spadix stipitate 0.5 cm, 1 1/2 times longer than spathe. [Literally "Spadix provided with a stipe 0.5 cm long, longer by half than spathe.]
Colombia. Narinoo Andes de Pasto.