Anthurium reticulatum Benth.
Stem to 2 m high. LEAVES: Petioles somewhat equalling 1/3 or 1/2 of blade, 2.5-3 dm [25 - 30 cm] long; geniculum rounded at the back (or lower or outer side); blades rigid, bright green, elongate-linear-lanceolate, gradually narrowed toward the base in an arcuate line, 4-5 dm [40 - 50 cm] long, 6-7 cm wide; primary lateral veins spreading at a 90 degree angle, remote, subarcuate, decidedly irregular, joined in a collective vein close to the margin (1/11-1/12 of the way in from the side). INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle scarcely equalling half the leaf; spathe lanceolate-linear, gradually acuminate, amplexicaul at the base, very short-decurrent, 1 dm [10 cm] long, 1 cm wide; spadix stipitate 1 mm, 1.25 dm [12.5 cm] long, 4 mm diam. below (or at the base) mildly attenuate upward; tepals 2 mm long, almost 1.5 mm wide, purplish and velvety at the highest point; filaments somewhat equalling tepals in length and narrower, merging from the lower linear part into a triangular apex, velvety, brown at the back (or lower, or on the outer side); ovary oblong-ovoid, purplish at the apex.