Anthurium riparium Engl.
Stem up to 1 m long, internodes short (1 cm long). Cataphylls persistent. LEAVES: Petiole canaliculate above, somewhat longer than blade. Blade coriaceous, dark green, cordate, ca. 35 cm long, 25 cm wide, posterior lobes semi-ovate, almost three times shorter than the anterior lobe, separated by a campanulate sinus; basal lateral veins on each side 4 joined into short, denuded basal ribs, interlobe vein and the 9 - 10 primary lateral veins of the midrib patent, joined in a collective vein 2 mm distant from the margin and extending along its whole length, the secondary veins arising from the lowermost midrib primary lateral vein, from the interlobe vein and from the uppermost basal vein thick and distinctly prominent on lower surface. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle short, ca. 5 - 6 cm long. Spathe oblong, 6 - 7 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, with a 2 cm long acumen, whitish-green. Spadix sessile, cylindroid, shorter than spathe, obtuse, 5 cm long, 6 mm thick. Tepals ca. 1 mm long. Stamen filaments spathulate. Ovary shortly ovoid, 1 mm long, slightly constricted below the 1 mm long, conical style.