Anthurium rotundilobum Engl.
LEAVES: Petiole with 1 cm long, sulcate geniculum. Blade subcoriaceous, rather glossy on upper surface, broadly hastate-trilobed, wider than long, 44 cm wide, 35 cm long; posterior lobes very wide, strongly rounded, measuring ca. 16 x 20 cm, separated by a very broad, very widely campanulate sinus; anterior lobe oblong, 25 cm long, 16 cm wide, separated from each posterior lobe by an almost rectangular sinus; primary lateral veins of the posterior lobes 6, joined into basal ribs which are denuded for 3 cm in the sinus, 3 patent, 3 ascending, all strongly curved near the margin and running out into the margin, interlobe vein ending in the lower margin of the anterior lobe, primary lateral veins of the midrib ascending, joined into a collective vein 5 - 6 mm from the margin. The remainder unknown.