Anthurium saccardoi Sodiro
Stem scandent; internodes 6-8 cm long, 1.5-2 cm diam., together with petioles, spathe and spadix, glaucescent; [i.e. all are glaucescent] cataphylls slender, soon deciduous. LEAVES: Petiole thick, to 6-7 dm [60 - 70 cm] long, 1 cm diam.; mildly canaliculate or flattened adaxially; geniculum 1.5 cm long; blades membranous, herbaceous, green, somewhat bluish above, paler below, oblongly fiddle-shaped, 4.5-6 dm [45 - 60 cm] long, 2.5-3 dm [25 - 30 cm] wide, posterior lobes 2/5 as long as anterior, reflexed to the middle (i.e. directed downward) then converging; sinus semicircular; basal veins 7 pairs joined into posterior ribs naked along the sinus 3-5 cm; the outermost basal veins slender, merging in the margin, the remaining, together with interlobar veins (free basal veins) and primary lateral veins joined in a collective vein barely 1-2 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 1/2-1/3 times as long as petiole; spathe herbaceous, reflexed, slender, narrowly linear, 6-7 cm long, gradually narrowed above; spadix 1.2-1.5 dm [12 - 15 cm] long, 4-5 mm diam.; tepals whitish, wider than long.