Anthurium sellowianum Kunth
Stem shortened. LEAVES: Petiole short, thick, semiterete flat above, broadened (or expanded, widened) at the base, 8-13 cm long; geniculum short (scarcely 1 cm long), tumid; blades linear-oblong-lanceolate, 4-6 dm [40 - 60 cm] long, 6-7 cm wide at the middle; somewhat cuneate at the base or narrowed gradually on one side, rounded on the other; acuminate gradually toward the apex; midrib rounded below; primary lateral veins numerous and closely spaced, spreading at about a 90 degree angle, joined in a collective vein 3-4 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle terete, scarcely equalling the leaf, about 2 dm [20 cm] long; spathe linear-lanceolate, long-cuspidate, short-decurrent at the base; spadix subsessile, narrowly cylindrical, almost twice as long as spathe, 0.8-0.5 dm [8 - 5 cm] long, 4 mm diam.; almost 2 dm [20 cm] long in fruit. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries yellowish, becoming dingy [or dirty] greenish at the top.