Anthurium standleyi Croat & R.A.Baker
Terrestrial; stem to 90 cm long, 2-5 cm diam.; roots descending, greenish to tan, smooth to fuzzy, slightly tapered, 4-12 mm diam.; cataphylls moderately coriaceous, lanceolate, 13.5-30 cm long, obtuse at apex with subapical apiculum, light green, drying tan (B & K red 9/10), persisting semiintact, eventually as linear fibers. LEAVES erect to spreading; petioles 43-120 cm long, 7-16 mm diam., stiff, firm, terete to subterete, sometimes weakly flattened adaxially, surface minutely pale- 9 per side, departing midrib at 45-80º angle, straight, becoming arcuate-ascending, usually only the uppermost loop-connected, convexly raised above and below, prominently raised below on drying; interprimary veins obscure or occasionally raised in grooves above, raised below; tertiary veins obscure above, slightly darker than surface below; reticulate veins slightly raised on both surfaces on drying; collective vein arising from about the middle of the blade, slightly sunken above, raised and slightly darker than surface below, slightly raised above and below on drying, 4- 1 1 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCES erect to spreading, much shorter than leaves; peduncle 29-76 cm long, 4-9 mm diam., 0.3-0.8 x as long as petiole, green, terete; spathe erect-spreading to reflexed, subcoriaceous, green to yellow-green (B & K yellow-green 6/7.5), oblong-lanceolate, 10.5- 18 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, broadest just above the base, inserted at 60-80° angle on peduncle, narrowly acuminate at apex (the acumen inrolled and hooked), obtuse to rounded at base, the margins meeting at 90-180º angle; stipe 1 1-70 mm long in front, 6-60 mm long in back; spadix heavily tinged with violet-purple at anthesis, becoming yellowish brown, long-tapered, 10-30 cm long, 7- 10 mm diam. near base, 4-6 mm diam. near apex; flowers rhombic to weakly 4-lobed, 3.5-3.6 mm long, 2.9-3.3 mm wide, the sides ± straight to smoothly sigmoid; 5-10 flowers visible in principal spiral, 5-7 in alternate spiral; tepals semiglossy; lateral tepals 1.9-2 mm wide, the inner margins broadly convex; pistils weakly raised, medium green; stigma linear at anthesis, 0.4-0.7 mm long, droplets appearing before stamens emerge; stamens emerging from the base in prompt sequence; anthers orange to greenish yellow, 0.6- l mm long, ca. l mm wide, inclined over and obscuring the pistil; thecae ellipsoid, not divaricate; pollen orange fading to creamy white. INFRUCTESCENCE arching; spathe reflexed; spadix to 30 cm long, ca. 2 cm diam.; berries orange, broadly ovoid, rounded at apex; mesocarp pulpy, bittertasting; seeds 1 or 2 per berry, white, to 5 mm long, ca. 2.5 mm wide, 1.5 mm thick.