Anthurium stuebelii Engl.
LEAVES: blade coriaceous, glossy on both sides, elegantly hastate-sagittate, ca. 70 cm long, posterior lobes 1.5 times shorter than anterior lobe, separated by a broad parabolic sinus, equalling the anterior lobe in width, ca. 14 cm wide, strongly divergent, but obtuse apical portion becoming introrse, anterior lobe nearly linear-oblong, somewhat angustate towards apex, acuminate, primary lateral veins of the anterior lobe very numerous, parallel, ascending, 1 - 2 cm apart, joined with the veins of the posterior lobes into a collective vein 3 - 4 mm from the margin, primary lateral veins of the posterior lobes ca. 7, thick, patent and retrorse, joined into thick basal ribs long-denuded for ca. 8 cm in the sinus.