Anthurium subcaudatum Engl.
Stems [caudiculi] up to 1 m tall, 2 - 3 cm thick, internodes 2 - 3 cm long. Cataphylls rigid, 12 - 18 cm long, 1.5 - 2 cm wide. LEAVES: Petiole 40 - 60 cm long, dark red, with long geniculum. Blade coriaceous, dark green, oblong-ovate, cordate, 30 cm long, 17 - 18 cm wide, anterior lobe long-cuspidate, posterior lobes semi-ovate, 7 cm long, 8 cm wide; primary lateral veins of anterior lobe on each side 4 arising from the midrib and two from the base, 2 - 2.5 cm apart, strongly prominent on lower surface, joined into a collective vein ca. 5 mm distant from margin, primary veins of the posterior lobes 3 - 4, free, strongly curved an terminating in the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 40 - 60 cm long. Spathe ca. 9 cm long, 3 cm wide, cuspidate for 1.5 cm, broadly lanceolate. Spadix 7 cm long, 8 mm thick, cylindric, obtuse, on a 1 cm long stipe. Tepals 2 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. Stamen filaments broadly spathulate. Ovary ovoid, narrowing into an equally long or longer style.