Anthurium subsagittatum (Kunth) Kunth
Stems rather small ["caudiculi"], climbing, internodes 2 - 4 cm long, 7 - 8 mm thick. Cataphylls ca. 8 cm long. LEAVES: Petiole 15 - 25 cm long, geniculum 2 cm long, broadly sulcate. Leaf blade subcoriaceous, paler abaxially, subsagittate, 18 - 20 cm long, 7 - 8 cm wide, posterior lobes 3.5 - 4 times shorter than the anterior lobe, semi-alliptic and rounded, separated by a narrow, oblong sinus, turned subextrorsely, passing over into the subtriangular anterior lobe by a gently incurved outline, primary lateral veins of the posterior lobes 4, 3 joined into very short basal ribs which are very shortly denuded in the sinus, curved, turning upwards at a distance from the margin, ending in the margin, interlobe veins 2, ascending, ending in the margin, primary veins of the midrib 6 - 8, ascending and ending in the margin or the uppermost ones joined into a collective vein remote from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 25 - 30 cm long. Spathe linear, long-angustate, clasping at the base, patent or reflexed, 6 - 7 cm long, 1 cm wide. Spadix with a 2 cm long stipe, subcylindric, green, longer than the spathe, 7 - 8 cm long, 4 mm thick, up to 10 cm long when in fruit. Berries small, obovoid, yellow-green. Seed ovoid, compressed, straw-coloured.