Anthurium tricarinatum Sodiro
Stem abbreviated. LEAVES: Petiole thick, five or six times shorter than the blade, long-sheathed at the base, broadly marginate, unequally 7-sulcate, 10 -15 cm long, geniculum short, thick, abaxially tricarinate up to the middle, adaxially flat. Leaf blade coraceous, green and shiny on both sides, abaxially sparsely black-punctate, lanceolate, almost 4 times longer than wide, narrowing towards both ends from the middle, acute at the apex and base, 70 - 80 cm long 20 - 25 cm wide. Midrib tricarinate, primary lateral veins on each side more than 30, erect-patent, the most basal 8 - 10 running out into the margin, the remainder joined into a collective vein 7 - 10 mm distant from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle slender, two-edged, pluri-sulcate, three times longer than the petiole, 50 - 60 cm long. Spathe subcoriaceous, green, linear-lanceolate, decurrent at the base. Spadix shortly stipitate on the anterior side, rigid, narrowing towards the apex, 15 cm long, 15 mm thick. Tepals nearly equally as long as wide, ash grey, shorter than berry. Berry rounded at the apex, green, yellowish when mature, obovate-tetragonal, 3 mm long, 2 mm thick.