Anthurium cineraceum (Araceae)
Terrestrial or epiphytic; stem short, erect; internodes short, 1.5-2 cm long, turning reddish brown, persisting in a shredded condition or as naked fibers. LEAVES with petioles (21-)43-75 cm long, subterete, sulcate above at least near apex; geniculum 1-1.5 cm long; blades deeply 3-lobed to within 5-8 cm from the base, drying papyraceous, usually greenish gray, matte, (25-)36-56 cm long, weakly attenuate to broadly rounded at base; medial lobe narrowly obovate to oblong-elliptic, acuminate, broadest in the middle or distal two-thirds, 6.8-18 cm wide, broadly confluent with lateral lobes, primary lateral veins (medial lobe) 7-14, raised on both surfaces, especially on the lower surface, lower ones arising at ca. 60-70° angle, upper ones at ca. 30-40° angle, promptly curving upward and running nearly straight to the collective vein, interprimary veins few, collective vein arising from the lower one-third of blade, 3-6 mm from margin, sunken above, prominently raised beneath; reticulate veins drying conspicuously raised on lower surface; lateral lobes falcate (21-)31-43 cm long, 6-14 cm wide, bluntly rounded at the apex, inner margin weakly concave, outer margin broadly rounded; basal veins 3-4, 2-3 of them coalesced 4-5 cm; posterior ribs straight, forming a 90-130° angle with each other, not at all naked (weakly naked in Panamanian material). INFLORESCENCE with peduncle 8-30 cm long, terete; spathe spreading, linear-lanceolate, 17-32 cm long, 1.1-3 cm wide, green, drying brown, matte, caudate-acuminate at apex, decurrent 6-12 mm; spadix (13-) 17-3 3 cm long, gradually tapered to apex, 6-10 mm diam. (dried), green to yellow at anthesis becoming violet purple; flowers rhombic, 7-12 per spiral, 2-2.4 mm long, 1.7-1.9 mm wide; lateral tepals 1.2-1.3 mm wide, inner margin broadly rounded; alternate tepals with inner margins concave; stamens not exserted. INFRUCTESCENCE not seen.
Eastern Panama and western Colombia in the Departments of Choco and Narino.
Tropical wet, premontane rain, and pluvial rain forest life zones.