Anthurium validinervium Engl.
Stem very thick, covered (or partially concealed from view) by cataphylls; [cataphylls] broadly triangular, weathering into fibers. LEAVES: Petiole equalling about 1/4 of the blade, 6 cm long, rounded at the back, flat above, 5 mm diam.; geniculum short; blades coriaceous, very thick, yellow-green, elongate-lanceolate, obtuse at the base, acute at the apex, to 3 dm [30 cm] long, about 5.5 cm wide at the lower half; primary lateral veins numerous, departing from the midrib at about a 30 degree angle, joined in a collective vein 3-4 mm from the margin, together with secondary lateral veins ("nervis") and robust veins ("venis") decidedly prominent beneath. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle equalling about 1/3 of the leaf, 1.5 dm [15 cm] long; spathe oblong, acute, clasping at the base; spadix almost cylindrical, not at all thick, shorter than spathe, 7 cm long, 5 mm diam.