Anthurium vinillense G.S.Bunting
Description based on dried material only. Usually terrestrial, sometimes epilithic, to ca. 35 cm tall; internodes short; cataphylls narrowly triangular, 5.5 cm long, narrowly acute at apex, drying reddish brown, the uppermost persisting semi-intact, promptly weathering to fibers. LEAVES erect; petioles 3.2-5.2 cm long, less than 5 mm diam., C-shaped, weakly sulcate with raised margins and an obscure medial rib adaxially, rounded abaxially; sheathing to midway; 5.6-7.3 x as long as petiole; geniculum scarcely thicker and drying darker than petiole, ca. 0.5 cm long; blades coriaceous, elliptic to obovate-elliptic, acuminate at apex (the acumen short, with margins thickened and turned upward), acute to obtuse at base, 16-28 cm long, 4.3-9.5 cm wide, broadest at or slightly above the middle, 3-3.6 x longer than broad; upper surface inconspicuously punctate, lower surface densely dark glandular-punctate (those glands ca. 1.5 mm diam.); both surfaces drying yellow-green, glossy; midrib convexly raised on both surfaces; primary lateral veins 5-8 per side, departing midrib usually at ca. 10º angle from midrib, then spreading at 40º angle, moderately straight or weakly to markedly arcuate to the margin; collective vein lacking or arising from second to last primary lateral vein. INFLORESCENCES erect, longer than leaves; peduncle 27-39 cm long, 5.6-7.3 x as long as petiole; spathe twisted, green, linear-lanceolate, to 6 cm long, 1 cm wide, thickened at base, inserted at 30º angle on peduncle, acuminate at apex (the acumen inrolled), decurrent for 7-10 mm at base, promptly drying and ultimately deciduous or nearly so; prominently and closely veined adaxially, densely purple-punctate adaxially (on surface and veins) with pale, short raphide cells; stipe 4-6 mm long; spadix green tinged with maroon, scarcely tapered at apex, erect, to 10.5 cm long, 5-6 mm diam.; flowers rhombic, 2-2.3 mm long, 1.6-1.9 mm wide, the sides moderately straight; 7-9 flowers visible in principal spiral; tepals obscurely pale-punctate; lateral tepals 1.6-1.9 mm wide, the inner margins broadly rounded, the outer margins 2-sided; pistils not at all exserted; stigma linear, 0.6 mm long; stamens held just above tepals in a tight cluster, inclined over and obscuring the pistil; anthers 0.4 mm long, 0.7 mm wide; thecae ovoid, moderately divaricate. INFRUCTESCENCE with spathe withered, bearing berries in the basal fourth only; berries dark wine-red toward apex, paler to whitish in lower part, to 7 mm diam.; seeds 2 per berry, slightly flattened, 3.8 mm long, 2.6 mm diam.