Anthurium vomeriforme Sodiro
Stem short, 1.5-4 cm diam.; internodes 2-4 cm long; cataphylls rigid, broad at the base, linear-lanceolate, 1-3 cm long, many times overtopping internodes, weathered into fibers. LEAVES: Petiole to 9 dm [90 cm] long, unisulcate adaxially; sheath 2 dm [20 cm]; geniculum 3 cm long, tumid, flat; blades herbaceous, green on both sides, almost triangular in outline, about 3 times longer than wide, short-cuspidate at the apex deeply cordate at the base, 4-7 dm [40 - 70 cm] long, 2-3.5 dm [20 - 35 cm] wide, posterior lobes 1/4 as long as anterior, obtuse, retrorse; sinus narrowly parabolic, somewhat acute-angled; primary lateral veins of the posterior lobes 8-9 coalesced in posterior ribs largely naked at the sinus, arcuate near the margin, 2nd basal vein spreading at about a 90 degree angle, 15-18 pairs primary lateral veins spreading at about a 45 degree angle, joined into a collective vein 5-10 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle overtopping petiole, flattened [compressed] laterally, 1-2-sulcate abaxially, overtopping petiole; spathe thickly papery, green yellowish, broadly lanceolate, acuminate at the apex, many-veined below, 1/2-1/3 times as long as spadix; spadix cylindrical, 2.5-5 cm longs 5-12 mm diam., flexible, pendulous, at first green, finally yellowish or dark greenish, stipitate 5-10 mm; tepals scarcely 11/2 times longer than wide; filaments short; ovary oblong-ovoid. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berry obovoid, compressed laterally, short-apiculate.