Anthurium willdenowii Kunth
Stem short, thick; cataphylls about 1 dm [10 cm] long, 4-5 cm wide at the base. LEAVES: Petiole equalling 1/3-1/2 of the blade or a little overtopping, semiterete, mildly canaliculate, 0.6-2 dm [6 - 20 cm] long, to 1 cm diam.; geniculum 1 cm long, tumid; blades decidedly coriaceous, lanceolate-oblong, the lowermost cuneate at the base, 2.5-5 dm [25 - 50 cm] long, 0.8-1.5 dm [8 - 15 cm] wide; narrowed mildly arcuately on both sides, very short-apiculate; apex obtuse and very short-apiculate, midrib slightly terete; primary lateral veins about 20-30 pairs, spreading openly at about a 90 degree angle, fairly straight, joined in a collective vein along the margin (at the middle, 1/8-1/9 of the way in from the side). INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle shorter than leaves, 3-5 dm [30 - 50 cm] long; spathe broadly linear-lanceolate, narrowed suddenly into a cusp, clasping at the base, a little decurrent, finally reflexed, 1-1.4 dm [10 - 14] long, 1-2 cm wide at the base, less in juvenile specimens; spadix sessile or very short-stipitate (1-2 mm), gradually tapered, longer than spathe, 1-2 dm [10 - 20 cm] long, 5-8 mm diam. at the bottom; Ovary oblong, ovoid.