Anthurium xanthoneurum (Araceae)
Description based on dried material only. Epilithic; stem short, ca. 2.5 cm diam. LEAVES with petioles less than 10 cm long; geniculum thicker than petiole, 2.5 cm long; blades thickly coriaceous, oblanceolate-elliptic, obtuse at apex, obtuse to narrowly rounded at base, 30-55 cm long, 8.5- 15 cm wide, broadest above the middle, the margins prominently revolute; upper surface semiglossy and weakly quilted, lower surface paler, matte and with conspicuous brown glandular punctations, yellow-green; midrib convexly raised above, more prominently so below; primary lateral veins 8-10 per side, departing midrib at 30-40° angle, weakly arcuate to the margin, convexly raised above in moderately deep grooves, conspicuously raised below; interprimary veins absent; tertiary veins prominulous, especially on the upper surface; collective vein absent. INFLORESCENCE with peduncle 50 cm long, ca. 6 mm diam.; spathe unknown; spadix (post anthesis) brownish green, long-tapered, erect, 24 cm long, ca. 8 mm diam. near base, ca. 4 mm diam. near apex, broadest at the base.
Known only from the type collection from Cerro Aratitiyope in Amazonas, Venezuela.
Premontane rainforest life zone.