Anthurium xanthophylloides G.M.Barroso
Stem abbreviated. LEAVES: Petiole semiterete, 45 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, greyish green, flattened adaxially with raised margins, laterally compressed, convex abaxially, smooth, geniculum 5 cm long. Leaf blade coriaceous-carnulose, oblong-ovate, cordate at the base, obtuse at the apex, 75 cm long, dark green adaxially, paler abaxially, midrib prominent on both surfaces, convex abaxially, primary lateral veins 15 - 17, thick, alternating, lowermost veins 4, of which the first and second are joined, thereafter the veins disjunct, 1 ascending, 3 at first curved and then ascending and anastomosing near the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle terete, 45 - 50 cm long, smooth. Spathe oblong, acuminate, green, 12 - 14 cm long, 3.7 cm wide, midrib [of spathe] prominulent abaxially and ornamented with numerous, immersed parallel veins. Spadix 24 cm long, 1 cm wide, obliquely decurrent, with a carnose stipe. Flowers yellowish-green, 3 mm diam., stigma exserted, papillose, tepals concave, 1.5 mm long, anthers yellow, rounded.