Monstera obliqua Miq.
Slender climbing epiphyte on trees, saplings, or shrubs. Juvenile: terrestrial creeper, the leaves entire, exserted and erect, the lamina membranaceous, ovate to lanceolate. Adult stem: green, smooth, terete, 2 – 7 mm thick, the internodes 1 – 6 cm long, occasionally producing hanging and creeping stolons with internodes 10 – 30 cm long. Petiole: 5 – 15 cm long, vaginate for most of its length, the sheath wings deciduous; geniculum 5 – 15 mm long. Lamina: membranaceous, quite variable in shape, ranging from lanceolate 35 cm long and 4 cm wide with an acute base to broadly ovate, 14 cm long and 12 cm wide with a truncate to subcordate base; mostly ovate, somewhat falcate, 8 – 15 cm long and 4 – 6 cm wide, the base oblique, unequal, with one side about twice as wide as the other; usually entire but sometimes perforated, the holes one many in a single series on each side of the midrib; primary lateral veins not prominent. Inflorescences: produced sympodially in groups of six to eight, rarely fewer. Peduncle: terete, 1 – 2 mm thick, 7 – 15 cm long, elongating throughout the development of the fruit. Spathe: green to white when immature, becoming a bright yellow at maturity, 4 – 7 cm long, 3 – 5 cm across when fully open, acuminate or mucronate for 3 – 8 mm at the tip. Flowering spadix: deep yellow, 5 – 10 mm thick, 2.5 - 6.0 mm long. Fruiting spadix: green to olive-green tinged with orange when immature, becoming lighter and finally deep orange at maturity, 10 – 15 mm thick, 4 – 8 cm long; the berries globose, 5 – 8 mm in diameter, capped by the persistent stylar region, lacking trichosclereids, or if trichosclereids present confined to the walls, very rarely present in the stylar region; the berries free from one another.