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Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana (Schott) Madison
Juvenile: leaves ovate to elliptic, 2 – 4 times longer than broad, entire, rarely with 1 – 2 elliptic perforations. Adult stem: internodes short, 1 – 4 cm long, sometimes the petiole bases overlapping and hiding the stem. Petiole: 25 – 50 cm long, the sheath wings persistent. Lamina: coriaceous, ovate to elliptic, 18 – 30 cm wide, 35 – 65 cm long, about twice as long as wide; the base cuneate to bluntly acute; primary lateral veins arising at an angle less than 60° with the midrib; perforations 1 to 8 per side in a single series on each side, ovate to narrowly elliptic, 1 – 2 cm wide, 5 – 12 cm long. Peduncle: subterete to flattened, 14 – 22 cm long, 1.25 – 2 times longer than the spadix. Flowering spadix: pale to medium yellow, 2.0 – 2.6 cm thick, 8 – 13 cm long; the pistils turbinate to acuminate at the apex. Fruiting spadix yellow to orange [or white], 3 – 4 cm thick, 12 – 17 cm long. M. Madison, Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University No. 207: 41 (1977). Additions in italics by S. Mayo, 22 July 2009.